Terms and Conditions for RocketWriter.ai

This document establishes a contract that is not filed (not accessible retrospectively; the order data serve as proof of the contract’s formation), is concluded solely in electronic form, is not considered a written contract, is written in Hungarian, and does not refer to any code of conduct. Should you have any questions related to the website's operation or the ordering process, our provided contact details are at your disposal.

The scope of these Terms and Conditions extends to legal relationships on the Service Provider's website (https://rocketwriter.ai) and its subdomains. These Terms and Conditions are continuously available (and can be downloaded and printed at any time) from the following website: https://rocketwriter.ai/terms-and-conditions.




User: Any natural person, legal entity, or organization that utilizes the Service Provider's services or enters into a contract with the Service Provider.


Consumer: A User who is acting outside the scope of their profession, self-employment, or business activity.


Business: A person acting within the scope of their profession, self-employment, or business activity.


Service Provider: A natural or legal person, or an organization without legal personality, providing information society services and entering into contracts with Users.




Service Provider's name: CreaTech Ai Solutions Kft.

Service Provider's registered office (and complaint handling location): 2000 Szentendre, Szabadkai u. 2/A

Service Provider's contact details for customer relations, regularly used electronic mailing address: hello@rocketwriter.ai

Service Provider's company registration number/registration number: 13-09-233998

Service Provider's tax number: 32556115-2-13

Registering/authorizing authority and license number (if applicable): Budapest Metropolitan Court of Registration

Service Provider's phone number: +36204014769

Language of the contract: Hungarian

Hosting provider's name, address, email address:

Hetzner Online GmbH, Industriestr. 25 91710 Gunzenhausen, Deutschland, +49 (0)9831 505-0, info@hetzner.com




2.1. For matters not regulated in these Terms and Conditions and for the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions, Hungarian law shall prevail, particularly the Civil Code of 2013 (Act V) and the Act on certain issues of electronic commerce services and information society services of 2001 (Act CVIII), as well as the Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) on the detailed rules between consumers and businesses. The mandatory provisions of the relevant laws apply to the parties without specific stipulation.

2.2. These Terms and Conditions are effective from May 27, 2024, and remain in effect until withdrawn. The Service Provider reserves the right to unilaterally amend the Terms and Conditions (circumstances providing grounds for amendment: changes in legislation, business interests, changes related to the company). The amendments are published on the website by the Service Provider and registered/previous customers are notified by email, based on which the User has the right to terminate or withdraw from the contract. The amendments do not affect previously concluded contracts; thus, the amendment has no retroactive effect.

2.3. The Service Provider reserves all rights regarding the website, any part of it, and the contents displayed on it, as well as the distribution of the website. It is prohibited to download, electronically store, process, or sell the contents appearing on the website or any part of them without the written consent of the Service Provider.




3.1. If false or other person-related data are provided during the service subscription/order/subscription process, the resulting electronic contract can be challenged in court by the authorized party. Successful challenge (winning the case) renders the contract invalid from the moment of its conclusion, or if it covers another contract, the rights and obligations of the parties should be assessed based on the concealed contract.

3.2. The Service Provider is not liable for any delay, other problem, or error attributable to incorrect and/or inaccurate data provided by the User.

3.3. The Service Provider is not liable for damages arising if the User forgets their password or it becomes accessible to unauthorized persons due to reasons not attributable to the Service Provider (if registration is available on the site).




4.1. Services displayed on the website can be ordered online (in some cases by phone). Prices for services are displayed in Hungarian Forint and are gross prices (i.e., include VAT prescribed by law, or if the Service Provider invoices without VAT, the prices are the payable amounts).

4.2. The website details the name and description of each service.

4.3. If a promotional price is introduced, the Service Provider fully informs Users about the promotion and its exact duration.

4.4. If, despite all due care, an incorrect price is posted on the website interface, possibly due to a system error, displaying a "0" HUF or "1" HUF price, then the Service Provider is not obligated to confirm the order at the incorrect price, but may reject the offer and propose confirmation at the correct price, based on which the User has the right to not accept the modified offer. An incorrect price is understood as a price at which the entrepreneur does not intend to conclude the contract. According to the Civil Code of 2013 (Act V), a contract is created by the mutual and concordant expression of the parties' wills. If the parties cannot agree on the contractual terms, i.e., there is no declaration expressing the parties' will mutually and concordantly, then we cannot speak of a validly concluded contract from which rights and obligations would arise.




Available packages can be found under the "Pricing" menu:





5.1. Following registration, the User logs into the website or can start shopping without registration.

5.2. The User selects the desired package. Registration is required to purchase the package.

5.3. The User provides billing details and sets up the payment method.

5.3.1. Payment methods:

Online with a bank card: Users have the option to pay the total value of the order online using a bank card through the secure payment system used by the Service Provider.

Bank card payment with Stripe:

Stripe Inc.

website: https://stripe.com email: support@stripe.com.

Headquarters 185 Berry Street Suite 550. San Francisco, CA 94107

Payment with PayPal.

The process of purchasing with PayPal:

On the left side of the page, the transaction details appear, and on the right side, there are two options:

a) If you have a PayPal registration, after entering the valid ID and password, you will see the partial data of the pre-registered bank card and the payable amount. If multiple cards are registered, you must select the card you wish to use for payment, then click on the Pay Now button to complete the payment, and you will be shortly redirected back to the store page.

b) If you do not have a PayPal registration, you can settle the amount with a Guest PayPal access by filling out a form without needing to register with PayPal. The form requests the following information (most fields are mandatory):


Card number

Payment Types

Expiration date


First name

Last name

Address line 1

Address line 2 (optional)



Postal code

Telephone number - Please provide a real phone number that your bank can reach you at if needed. Include the country code and area code

Email address - The email address entered here will receive confirmation of the payment After all fields are filled, press the "Review and Continue" button at the bottom of the page. Here, you can once again check the entered data, the amount to be paid, and the order.

If everything is correct, approve the transaction. Within moments, you will receive an email notification of the successful transaction, and simultaneously, the Service Provider will be notified of the successful payment and will begin processing the order.


5.4. The total payable amount includes all costs according to the order summary and confirmation email.

5.5. After entering the data, the User clicks the "send order/order submission" button to send their order, but before doing so, they can check the data provided once more and can also send a note with their order or communicate any other wishes related to the order by email.

5.6. By placing an order, the User acknowledges that a payment obligation arises according to section 15 of Government Decree 45/2014 (II. 26.) and other conditions (e.g., section 20).

5.7. Correction of data entry errors: The User can always step back to the previous phase before closing the ordering process to correct entered data. During the ordering process, the User continuously has the opportunity to correct/delete the entered data. After sending the order, the User can also request correction of any potential errors by phone or email.

5.8. After sending the order, the User receives a confirmation email. If this confirmation does not arrive within the expected deadline depending on the nature of the service, but no later than 48 hours after sending the order, the User is released from the offer binding or contractual obligation. The order and its confirmation are considered received by the Service Provider and the User when they become accessible to them. The Service Provider excludes liability for confirmation if it does not arrive on time because the User provided an incorrect email address during registration, or because the account's storage capacity is full.

5.9. The User acknowledges that the contract between the parties is formed upon payment, and the provision of services begins.




6.1. Orders/subscriptions are processed immediately after payment.

6.2. Fulfillment occurs as per the desired timing, following successful payment notification.




7.1. Under Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and the Council, as well as Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) on detailed rules between consumers and businesses, the Consumer does not have the right to withdraw from/cancel the contract for a service if the service has been fully provided, but only if the performance started with the Consumer's prior express consent, and with their acknowledgment that they lose their right of withdrawal as soon as the business has fully performed the contract; furthermore, in contracts aimed at accommodation, transport, car rental, catering, or leisure activities if a specific performance date or deadline is set in the contract, or regarding non-material digital content if the business started the performance with the Consumer's express prior consent, and the Consumer concurrently acknowledged with their consent that they lose their withdrawal right after the performance starts.

7.2. Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) is available here.

7.3. Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and the Council is available here.




Faulty Performance

The obligor performs faultily if the service does not meet the quality requirements stipulated in the contract or by law at the time of performance. The obligor does not perform faultily if the entitled party knew of the defect at the time of contract conclusion, or should have known of the defect.

In a consumer contract, any clause that deviates to the detriment of the consumer from this chapter's provisions on warranty and guarantee is void.

Multiple warranty rights apply only to Users who qualify as consumers according to the Civil Code.

User qualified as a Business: a person acting within the scope of their profession, self-employment, or business activity.


8.1. When can a User exercise their warranty rights?

In case of faulty performance by the Service Provider, the User can assert a warranty claim against the Service Provider according to the Civil Code.

8.2. What rights does the User have based on their warranty claim?

The User may choose to request repair or replacement, except if the choice of claim selected by the User is impossible or would incur disproportionate extra costs compared to other claims for the business. If repair or replacement was not requested, or could not be requested, then the User may request a proportional price reduction or – ultimately – may withdraw from the contract. The User may switch from the chosen warranty right to another, however, the cost of switching is borne by the User, unless it was justified or provided by the business.

Even if the business did not perform the repair or replacement, or did it partially or not at all, the consumer is entitled – according to the severity of the contract breach – to request a proportional price reduction or terminate the sales contract, if:

a) the business did not perform the repair or replacement, or it was done partially or not at all, including disassembly and reinstallation, or refused to make the goods compliant;

b) repeated performance failure occurred despite the business's attempt to make the goods compliant;

c) the performance failure is so severe that it justifies immediate price reduction or immediate termination of the sales contract; or

d) the business did not commit to making the goods compliant, or it is obvious from the circumstances that the business will not do so within a reasonable timeframe or without significant inconvenience to the consumer.

If the consumer refers to faulty performance to terminate the sales contract, the business must prove that the fault is insignificant.

The consumer is entitled to withhold the remaining purchase price proportionally to the severity of the contract breach until the business fulfills its obligations related to the contract compliance and faulty performance.

The reasonable timeframe for repair or replacement starts from when the consumer communicated the fault to the business.

The consumer must make the goods available to the business for repair or replacement.

The business must at its own expense ensure the return of the replaced goods. If the repair or replacement necessitates the removal of goods installed in a manner appropriate to the nature and purpose of the goods before the fault became apparent, then the obligation to repair or replace includes the removal of non-compliant goods and the installation or reinstallation of the replaced or repaired goods, or the cost of removal or installation.

The proportional reduction of the counter-performance is proportional if its amount equals the difference between the value of the goods that the consumer would have received in case of contract compliance and the value of the goods actually received.

The consumer's warranty right to terminate the sales contract is exercisable with a declaration expressing the decision to terminate addressed to the business.

If the faulty performance affects only a specified part of the goods delivered under the sales contract, and the conditions for exercising the right to terminate the contract regarding those goods are met, the consumer may terminate the sales contract only concerning the faulty goods, but may also terminate it concerning any other


 goods obtained together with them, if it is not reasonably expected from the consumer to keep only the compliant goods.

If the consumer terminates the sales contract entirely or concerning a part of the goods delivered under the sales contract, then:

a) the consumer must return the affected goods to the business at the business's expense; and

b) the business must immediately refund the purchase price related to the affected goods to the consumer, once the goods or proof of their return is received.

8.3. What is the deadline for the User to assert their warranty claim?

The User (if qualifying as a consumer) must communicate the fault immediately after discovering it, but no later than two months from the discovery of the fault. However, please note that after the expiration of the 2-year limitation period from the performance of the contract (1 year for businesses or used products), the User can no longer enforce their warranty rights. (For products with an expiration date, the warranty can be asserted until the expiration date).

In the case of goods containing digital elements, if the sales contract concerns the provision of digital content or digital services for a specified duration, the business is liable for faults related to the goods' digital content or digital services if the fault

a) occurs within two years from the delivery of the goods in case of continuous service not exceeding two years; or

b) during the entire duration of the continuous service exceeding two years

becomes apparent.

8.4. Against whom can the User enforce their warranty claim?

The User can enforce their warranty claim against the Service Provider.

8.5. What other conditions apply to exercising the User's warranty rights (if the User qualifies as a consumer)?

Within 1 year from the performance, there is no condition beyond notifying the fault for enforcing the warranty claim, if the User proves that the product or service was provided by the business operating the website. After 1 year from the performance, however, the User must prove that the fault recognized by the User was already present at the time of performance.





9.1. In a contract between a consumer and a business, the agreement of the parties cannot deviate from the provisions of the regulation to the detriment of the consumer.

9.2. It is the consumer's duty to prove the contract conclusion (with an invoice or even just a receipt).

9.3. Costs related to fulfilling the warranty obligation are borne by the Service Provider (Civil Code 6:166. §).

9.4. The Service Provider is obliged to record the consumer's reported warranty claim.

9.5. A copy of the record must be provided to the consumer without delay, in a verifiable manner.

9.6. If the Service Provider cannot comment on the feasibility of the consumer's warranty claim at the time of its reporting, it must inform the consumer of its position – including the reason for rejection and the possibility of turning to a conciliation body – within five business days, in a verifiable manner.

9.7. The Service Provider is obliged to keep the record for three years from the date of its creation and to present it to the supervisory authority upon request.

9.8. The Service Provider should strive to perform the repair or replacement within no more than fifteen days. If the duration of the repair or replacement exceeds 15 days, then the Service Provider is obliged to inform the consumer about the expected duration of the repair or replacement. The notification is done electronically with the consumer's prior consent or in another manner suitable for proving the consumer's receipt.




10.1. The Service Provider is entitled to engage a subcontractor to fulfill its obligations. It is fully responsible for any unlawful behavior as if the unlawful behavior had been carried out by itself.

10.2. If any part of these Regulations becomes invalid, unlawful, or unenforceable, it does not affect the validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining parts.

10.3. If the Service Provider does not exercise a right granted to it under the Regulations, the failure to exercise the right should not be considered a waiver of that right. Any waiver of rights is only valid in the case of an explicit written declaration. The fact that the Service Provider does not strictly adhere to any essential condition or stipulation of the Regulations at one time does not mean that it waives the right to insist on strict compliance with that condition or stipulation in the future.

10.4. The Service Provider and User try to resolve their disputes amicably.

10.5. The parties record that the Service Provider's website operates in Hungary, and its maintenance is also carried out here. Since the site can be visited from other countries, users explicitly acknowledge that Hungarian law is the governing law in the relationship between the user and the Service Provider. If the user is a consumer, then according to section 26 § (1) of the Civil Procedure Code, the court at the defendant's (consumer's) domestic residence


 has exclusive jurisdiction in disputes arising from this contract.

10.6. The Service Provider does not apply different general access conditions to the services on the website concerning the User's nationality, residence, or place of establishment.

10.7. The Service Provider – in terms of the payment methods it accepts – does not apply different conditions to the payment transaction for reasons related to the User's nationality, residence, or place of establishment, the place of account management of the payment account, the place of establishment of the payment service provider, or the place of issuance within the Union of the cash-substitute payment instrument.

10.8. The Service Provider complies with the regulation on addressing unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination within the internal market based on the customer's nationality, place of residence, or place of establishment, as well as Regulation (EU) 2018/302 of the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND COUNCIL amending Regulation 2006/2004/EC, Regulation (EU) 2017/2394, and Directive 2009/22/EC.





11.1. The Service Provider aims to fulfill all orders/subscriptions to the complete satisfaction of the orderer. If the User still has a complaint regarding the contract or its fulfillment, they may communicate their complaint via the aforementioned phone number, email address, or by mail.

11.2. The Service Provider immediately investigates verbal complaints and rectifies them if necessary. If the customer disagrees with the handling of the complaint, or if immediate investigation of the complaint is not possible, the Service Provider immediately takes a record of the complaint and its related stance, and a copy of this record is given to the customer.

11.3. The Service Provider responds substantively in writing within 30 days to written complaints in a verifiable manner and arranges to communicate the handling. The reasons for rejecting the complaint are explained. The record of the complaint and the copy of the response are kept by the Service Provider for 3 years and are presented to the supervisory authorities upon their request.

11.4. Please note that if your complaint is rejected, you may initiate a procedure with a regulatory or conciliation body, as follows (the Service Provider has not made a general submission declaration):

11.5. The Consumer can complain to the consumer protection authority:

According to sections 45/A § (1)-(3) of the Consumer Protection Act, as well as the decree on the designation of the consumer protection authority 387/2016. (XII. 2.) Government Decree, the county government office acts as the general consumer protection authority: https://kormanyhivatalok.hu/kormanyhivatalok

11.6. In case of a Consumer's complaint, there is an opportunity to turn to a conciliation body, whose contact details are found here:

Name of the conciliation body

Headquarters of the conciliation body, address:


Budapest Conciliation Board


Budapest Conciliation Board

Address: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99.

Phone number: (1) 488-2131

Fax number: (1) 488-2186

President: Dr. Inzelt Éva Veronika

Website: https://bekeltet.bkik.hu/

Email: bekelteto.testulet@bkik.hu


Baranya County Conciliation Board


Baranya County Conciliation Board

Address: 7625 Pécs, Majorossy Imre u. 36.

Phone number: (72) 507-154; (20) 283-3422

Fax number: (72) 507-152

President: Dr. Bércesi Ferenc

Website: www.baranyabekeltetes.hu

Email: info@baranyabekeltetes.hu, kerelem@baranyabekeltetes.hu

Baranya county, Somogy county, Tolna county

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Conciliation Board


Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Conciliation Board

Address: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1.

Phone number: (46) 501-091 (new cases); 501-871 (ongoing cases)

President: Dr. Tulipán Péter

Website: www.bekeltetes.borsodmegye.hu

Email: bekeltetes@bokik.hu

Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county, Heves county, Nógrád county

Csongrád-Csanád County Conciliation Board


Csongrád-Csanád County Conciliation Board

Address: 6721 Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8-12.


Phone number: (62) 554-250/118 extension

Fax number: (62) 426-149

President: Dr. Horváth Károly

Website: www.bekeltetes-csongrad.hu

Email: bekelteto.testulet@csmkik.hu

Békés county, Bács-Kiskun county, Csongrád-Csanád county

Fejér County Conciliation Board


Fejér County Conciliation Board

Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúséta tér 4-6.

Phone number: (22) 510-310

Fax number: (22) 510-312

President: Dr. Vári Kovács József

Website: www.bekeltetesfejer.hu

Email: bekeltetes@fmkik.hu; fmkik@fmkik.hu

Fejér county, Komárom-Esztergom county, Veszprém county

Győr-Moson-Sopron County Conciliation Board


Győr-Moson-Sopron County Conciliation Board

Address: 9021 Győr, Szent István út 10/a.

Phone number: (96) 520-217

President: Dr. Bagoly Beáta

Website: https://gymsmkik.hu/bekelteto

Email: bekeltetotestulet@gymskik.hu

Győr-Moson-Sopron county, Vas county, Zala county

Hajdú-Bihar County Conciliation Board


Hajdú-Bihar County Conciliation Board

Headquarters: 4025 Debrecen, Petőfi tér 10.

Service location: 4025 Debrecen Vörösmarty u. 13-15.

Phone number: (52) 500-710; (52) 500-745

Fax number: (52) 500-720

President: Dr. Hajnal Zsolt

Website: https://www.hbmbekeltetes.hu

Email: bekelteto@hbkik.hu

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok county, Hajdú-Bihar county, Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county

Pest County Conciliation Board


Pest County Conciliation Board

Headquarters: 1055 Budapest, Balassi Bálint u. 25. IV/2.

Phone number: +36 1 792 7881

President: Dr. Koncz Pál

Website: www.pestmegyeibekelteto.hu;


Email: pmbekelteto@pmkik.hu

Pest county



11.7. The conciliation board has jurisdiction over out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes. The conciliation board's task is to try to establish an agreement between the parties to resolve the consumer dispute; if unsuccessful, the board makes a decision in the matter to ensure simple, quick, efficient, and cost-effective enforcement of consumer rights. The conciliation board, upon request by the consumer or the Service Provider, provides advice on the rights entitled to the consumer and the obligations imposed on the consumer.

In the conciliation board procedure, in case of no agreement, the board:

a) issues a binding decision if

aa) the application is substantiated, and the business – at the conciliation board or chamber, or stated in its commercial communication – recognized the board's decision as binding on itself in its general submission statement according to section 36/C. § at the start of the procedure or latest by the decision making;

ab) the business did not make a submission statement, but the application is substantiated and the consumer's claim to be enforced – neither in the application nor at the time of making the binding decision – does not exceed two hundred thousand forints; or

b) makes a recommendation if the application is substantiated, but the business stated at the start of the procedure that it does not recognize the board's decision as binding, or if the business did not declare recognition of the decision at all.

11.8. In case of cross-border consumer disputes related to online sales or service contracts, only the conciliation board operating alongside the Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry is competent.

11.9. In case of a complaint, the Consumer may use the EU online dispute resolution platform. Using the platform requires a simple registration in the European Commission's system, accessible here. Following registration, the consumer can submit their complaint through the online platform, available at http://ec.europa.eu/odr

11.10. The Service Provider is obligated to cooperate in the conciliation board procedure. As part of this, it


 must send its response to the conciliation board and ensure the attendance of a person authorized to establish an agreement at the hearing. If the business's registered office or place of business is not in the county of the conciliation board operating the chamber, the business's obligation to cooperate extends to offering the possibility of a written agreement according to the consumer's claim.

11.11. If the consumer does not turn to the conciliation board, or the procedure does not result in a resolution, the consumer has the option to take the dispute to court. The lawsuit should be initiated with a statement of claim, which must include:

•    the court conducting the procedure;

•    the names, residences, and legal standings of the parties and their representatives;

•    the right to be enforced, with the presentation of the facts and evidence underlying it;

•    the data from which the court's jurisdiction and competence can be determined;

•    a definite request for a court decision.

The statement of claim must be accompanied by the document, or its copy, referred to as evidence.




12.1. Since the website https://rocketwriter.ai qualifies as a copyrighted work, it is prohibited to download (reproduce) content from the https://rocketwriter.ai website or any part of it for public retransmission, use in another manner, electronic storage, processing, and selling without the written consent of the Service Provider - except for legal documents, as the User may download the Terms and Conditions and the privacy notice without any condition or restriction and may store them in any form.

12.2. Any material from the https://rocketwriter.ai website and its database may only be taken with written consent and must be referenced to the specific website.

12.3. The Service Provider reserves all rights to all elements of its service, the domain names, the secondary domain names formed with them, and the internet advertising spaces.

12.4. It is prohibited to adapt or reverse engineer the content of the https://rocketwriter.ai website, or any part of it; to establish user IDs and passwords in an unethical manner; to use any application that can modify or index the https://rocketwriter.ai website or any part of it.

12.5. The name https://rocketwriter.ai is protected by copyright, and its use, except for referencing, is only possible with the written consent of the Service Provider.

12.6. The User acknowledges that if the Service Provider's service is used without a usage license, the Service Provider is entitled to a contractual penalty. The amount of the penalty is HUF 60,000 gross per image and HUF 20,000 gross per word. The User acknowledges that this penalty clause is not excessive and browses the site with this awareness. In case of copyright infringement, the Service Provider uses notarial attestation, the cost of which is also passed on to the infringing User.




The website's privacy notice is available on the following page: https://rocketwriter.ai/privacy-policy


Szentendre, May 27, 2024.





By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User expressly acknowledges that they use the online service at their own risk.

The Service Provider disclaims liability for any damages arising from the processing of incorrect or false data provided by the user. The User acknowledges that the Service Provider is only liable for damages that are directly caused by the Service Provider's unlawful and attributable behavior.

If the User suffers any damage or disadvantage concerning the use of the service or its results, the Service Provider disclaims all related liability.

The Service Provider is solely responsible for the content of information, advertisements, promotions, or other materials uploaded by others on the website/app.

The Service Provider does not guarantee that the service will achieve any results for the User. The Service Provider does not ensure the effectiveness of the service, thus is not liable if, during the use of the service, the User does not access content suitable for them, nor is it liable if the User does not receive the expected level of quality and standard during the use of the service.

The service operates "as is" and "as available," meaning the Service Provider is not obliged to implement technical and IT developments according to the User's needs.

The Service Provider also disclaims liability:

for any damages related to information (descriptions, images) placed on the https://rocketwriter.ai pages and in the application by others, including damages caused to third parties. This provision also applies to advertisements and other materials placed on the website/app,

for information provided, transmitted, stored, or made accessible by an intermediary service provider in connection with the information society service - under conditions specified by law,

for the correctness, truthfulness, or compliance with laws of the information placed on the website/app, or for legal injury or damage caused to a third party by content that violates the law;

for any damages arising from the use of the system, complete cessation of operation,



for other errors, damages (force majeure)

for any financial or moral damages arising from the use of the services for the User.

The Service Provider does not accept any responsibility for calls, offers not originating from it, and the contracts based on these or the absence of any contracts, as well as for faults in the Services available on the website/app or their termination.

In case of possible legal violations related to the Service, the Service Provider cooperates with the authorities within the frameworks required by law to hold the violators accountable and reserves the right to report the violation to the competent authority if the Service Provider is sanctioned, fined, or liable to pay any amount under any legal title due to the violations related to the service. If the Service Provider suffers any sanctions, fines, or any other payable amounts due to legal violations related to the service, it will claim full compensation from the violator for both the amounts paid by the Service Provider and beyond.

The Service Provider does not intervene in disputes arising between the User and any third party or body; in case of any dispute, the User, by accepting these Terms and Conditions, releases the Service Provider from all claims, demands, and compensation. (the Service Provider is not obliged to intervene in disputes arising between the User and any third party or body, but the complaint can also reach the Service Provider)


The Service Provider guarantees a 95% availability of the online Service annually. For the purpose of measuring availability, planned maintenance not exceeding 1 working day is not considered downtime, provided that the Service Provider has notified the User of the timing and expected duration of the maintenance appropriately in advance, at least 5 working days before the maintenance.


The Service Provider is entitled, but not obliged, to check the content made available or uploaded by the User during the use of the website/app. The Service Provider is also not obliged to check the information it merely transmits, stores, or makes accessible, thus, regarding the published content, the Service Provider is entitled, but not obliged, to look for signs indicating illegal activities.




Special rules applicable to the User

The User is obliged to ensure proper computer equipment and Internet access for using the online service.

The User is entitled to publish or otherwise communicate their opinion formed during the evaluation of the online service on the website or other web platforms without infringing others' rights.

The User may use the information found on the website/app at their own risk.

The User must ensure that the service is not used by a third party instead of them, and transferring access is not allowed.

The User is subject to other prohibited activities related to the use of the website/app and the use of the Service (content restriction):

Using the online service to record and/or transmit unauthorized images/videos of other people, location tracking, or any personal data. (violation of personal data)

Illegally using someone else's access, or hacking someone else's profile.

Selling, exchanging, or transmitting any person's access to a third party without the knowledge and prior written consent of the person.

Sending, uploading, distributing, or offering illegal, inciting, intimidating, pornographic, racist, defamatory, harassing, threatening, abusive, fraudulent, obscene, or otherwise objectionable content.

Intentionally spreading viruses, worms, other defects, Trojans, damaged files, fake news, or other harmful items (information).

Engaging in and spreading pyramid schemes.

Uploading, transmitting content harmful to minors.

Appearing as another person or adopting a disguise.

Illegally transmitting another's intellectual work or other intellectual property without the owner's or license owner's prior written permission.

Using the service in a way that violates laws or regulations (such as personality rights or rights related to publicity, or others.)

Using the service to violate another business's regulations.

Advertising or promoting illegal/illegal activities while using the service.

In any way preventing others from using the online service.

Creating/generating users automatically or through other fraudulent means.

Selling, reselling, or otherwise using the service for unauthorized commercial purposes or transmitting it without the Service Provider's prior permission.

Modifying, taking over, translating, or reverse engineering the service to any extent.

Removing copyright, trademark, or other property right indicators from the service.

Reformatting the website, making it unusable, or creating a website identical to the website.

Violating these rules may result in the deletion of the user account!

Other liability rules, dispute resolution

The Service Provider is not liable for any damages – primarily caused by computer viruses – that occur in the User's computer equipment or other property due to accessing, using the System, or opening harmful content. The Service Provider is also not liable for the unavailability of the system due to the fault of the Internet service provider, slow operation.

The use of the system and the use of the services assume the User's knowledge and acceptance of the possibilities, risks, and limitations of the Internet. The User acknowledges that they must assess any


 potential risks related to the use of the services themselves and ensure the secure use of their computer and the protection of the data stored on it.

The Service Provider strives for, but cannot guarantee, the error-free and uninterrupted operation of the website/app, nor that access to the service will be continuous or error-free. The User acknowledges that due to the nature of the Internet, the continuous operation of the service may be interrupted without the prior knowledge and intention of the Service Provider. Despite maintaining the annual availability (95%), the Service Provider is entitled to partially or completely suspend the Service for system maintenance or other security considerations without any prior notice or information to the Users.

The Service Provider is liable only for damages caused by its attributable, unlawful behavior according to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code.

In case of war, insurrection, terrorist act, strike, accident, fire, blockade, flood, natural disaster, severe energy supply disruption, or other unforeseeable and unavoidable obstacle (force majeure) resulting in either party being unable to fulfill any contractual obligation, such person is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from these events. In this case, proceed according to sections 6:179-180 of the Civil Code.




The parties undertake to treat all information obtained during their cooperation and the content of this Contract as strictly confidential and as a trade secret, and not to disclose them to any third party or use them in any other way for 5 years following the termination of this Contract.


Szentendre, May 27, 2024.